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How To Increase Your Vertical Jump For Volleyball (7 Proven Strategies)-2023

Key Takeaways:

  • Significance of Vertical Jump: Essential for effective blocking, attacking, and enhancing court reflexes.
  • Top Exercises: Squats, lunges, plyometrics, and weightlifting are vital for jump improvement.
  • Jump Technique: Proper warm-up, take-off, and landing are crucial for maximum impact.
  • Role of Stretching & Nutrition: Stretching increases muscle flexibility, and a balanced diet boosts athleticism.
  • Rest & Recovery: Adequate sleep and muscle recovery techniques are foundational for sustained performance.
  • Benefits: Increased jump height aids gameplay and minimizes injury risks.

You wanna be a pro volleyballer? You’re not alone! Increase your vertical jump to become a court superstar. Want to know how to increase your vertical jump for volleyball? Read on!

Try this awesome calculator to know your hitting percentage, as you know middle blockers and hitters are especially required to have insane high jumps. so if you are a hitter, try it and find out your hitting power. Or try it for fun 🙂

Why increasing your vertical jump is important for volleyball

A higher vertical jump is essential for volleyball players! It helps with nearly every explosive move they make – from blocking and attacking at the net, to leaping to make saves. Increasing your vertical jump is a popular practice among volleyball players.

A higher jump gives you higher reach, quicker reflexes, and more power when making jumps and stabs through blocks. This increased power can help your team succeed.

Additionally, being able to quickly react and respond precisely is essential in volleyball. This requires fast decision-making, which depends on how many hops and jumps you can take off before returning a shot or blocking an attack.

A higher vertical jump will improve your performance in these dynamic movements, so you can respond faster than your opponents and quicken your response time when defending or attacking.

Read more: 3 ways to increase your jump height

How to increase your vertical jump for volleyball: Best Exercises

Maximize your vertical jump for volleyball with exercises focused on your core, legs, and hip flexors. Consistency is key – make a plan and stick with it! Here are some of the best exercises for success:

  • Squats, target your lower body and develop quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.
  • Lunges, improving balance and coordination.
  • Jump Squats, creating explosive power in the thighs.
  • Box Jumps, focusing on lower body power.
  • Single Leg Hops, increasing coordination, balance, and explosiveness.
  • Depth Jumps require a short drop and explosive power.
  • Bounding Drills, building full-body power.
  • Plyometric Push-Ups, building upper body strength while increasing speed, reaction time, and hip flexibility.

Try these 3 exercises to improve your vertical jump.

Best plyometric exercises to increase your vertical jump

Plyometrics is one of the top ways to boost your vertical jump for volleyball. They help train your legs, hips, and abs, which are key for powerful jumping. There’s a range of plyometric exercises you can try to increase your leap. Do these exercises with medium intensity and high speed for the best results.

Do these exercises at least three days per week as part of your strength training. Rehearsing these exercises regularly is necessary to reach your sports performance goals:

  • Squat Jumps: This works for all main muscle groups while building reactive lower-body strength and endurance.
  • Broad Jumps: Engage your whole body when jumping, strengthening key muscle groups and improving coordination and balance.
  • Split Squat Jumps: Focus on single-leg jumping power while allowing natural movement in both directions–forward/backward or side/side–to create a dynamic program and increase power output.
  • Medicine Ball Throws: Build power in the arms and legs while creating an intense workout since a medicine ball can be moved fast in multiple directions due to its weight.
  • Depth Jumps: Perform this exercise slowly but with maximum intensity to produce bigger force production, better motor control & coordination, and more explosive strength during take-off & landing phases for increased efficiency & safety!

Check out this plyometrics workout for volleyball players to increase their vertical jump.

How to properly execute a vertical jump

Vertical jumping is key in volleyball. It lets you hit balls out of your regular zone. Doing it right will boost your performance. Here are tips to do it right:

  • Warm up for 10 minutes with light exercises like jogging or jumping jacks. This prepares your body and reduces the risk of injury. Practice on soft surfaces like carpet or grass, not hard ones like concrete or asphalt.
  • Start by pushing your feet together. As soon as you leave the ground, reach as high as possible. Extend your legs and get your arms above shoulder level. When landing, use bent knees and try to land with both feet at once.
  • At first, go slow. This helps you get used to the feeling of different techniques. Consistent practice will increase power, range of motion, and muscular stability. This will give you the ability to hit higher during games.

Check out this video below on how to jump higher and also quicker.

How to improve your vertical jump: Strength/weightlifting

Volleyball is a physically demanding sport that needs strong, efficient jumping. Boosting your vertical jump will make you better at the game and reduce wear and tear on muscles. Weightlifting is a great way to build strength and power for higher jumps.

Exercises like squats, power cleans, plyometrics, box jumps and leg presses all help. Quality is more important than quantity. Move slowly and keep the correct form. Don’t overwork yourself by doing too many sets and reps.

To get the best results, mix up your workouts each week. Variety prevents plateaus. Stretch before and after training. This will help with flexibility, range of motion, and relief from soreness.

All of these things will help you get a higher vertical leap!

Watch the below to learn the 4 best Strength exercises!!

How to increase your vertical jump through stretching

Improving your vertical jump is essential for any volleyball player. To do this, regular stretching is key. It lengthens muscles, tendons, and joints that contract when jumping.

Before playing, dynamic stretching targets muscle groups used for jumping, like calf raises, lunges, and heel/toe touches.

For static stretching, exercises like standing quadriceps stretch, hamstring stretch, hip flexor stretch, and seated Achilles stretch help increase jump ability. Post-activity static stretching also helps reduce post-exercise muscular soreness.

When stretching, remember tense not tight is the motto. Don’t push too far, as this may cause overuse injuries.

How to enhance your vertical jump through nutrition

Nutrition is essential for jumping higher. The food you eat can help build your tendons, ligaments, muscles, and bones which boosts your overall power and agility. For volleyball players wanting to increase their jump, create a nutrition plan to give your body the fuel it needs.

Focus on a diet full of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. This provides energy and supports muscle-building activities.

Make sure to also get enough vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes; they are key for muscle contraction and recovery. Don’t forget to stay hydrated! Dehydration affects performance.

Certain foods may help with elements of athleticism related to volleyball.

Eggs have vitamin D to strengthen bones.

Broccoli has sulforaphane to reduce inflammation from exercise.

Protein-rich smoothies with bananas give potassium for healthy blood pressure and energy for jumping.

Also snack during practice with trail mix and energy bars to refill glycogen stores during exercises.

These meal-planning tips can help you succeed in boosting your vertical jump height through strength, speed, and agility.

Find out more about the benefits of having a proper diet from PRO Players

Importance of Rest and Recovery

Prioritize 8-10 hours of sleep each night for optimal performance. Rest is essential for athletes; it helps build muscle and generate energy for explosive jumps. Take short breaks in between sets of maximal effort exercises to reduce fatigue and keep you powerful during games.

Additionally, stretch after workouts and consider foam rolling or other myofascial release techniques to assist in recovery. This way, you’ll get closer to achieving your goals and increasing your vertical jump!

The benefits of increasing your vertical jump 

Volleyball players can benefit greatly from increased vertical jumping ability. This can help with blocking and spiking. The correct execution of a higher vertical jump can help you cover more ground and reach higher heights. It also decreases the impact of hard courts and lowers the chances of injury.

Improving your vertical leap won’t guarantee success, but it can surely give you an edge over your opponents.


I hope you liked this article on How To Increase Your Vertical Jump For Volleyball.

To wrap up, upping your vertical jump is key to becoming an ace volleyballer. Training your muscles and perfecting your technique are two huge parts of reaching your top potential with this part of the game. There’s no “one size fits all” approach when it comes to vertical jump practice.

Mixing different tactics can help you get on the right path. Plus, taking breaks and eating healthy will help you make progress in improving your jump height.

Checking out the diverse strategies in this guide can help you discover what works for you. This way, you can tailor a program that helps you get the most out of each session. In the end, this will take your game – and vertical – to new heights!


How do you train vertically in volleyball?

To train vertically in volleyball, focus on exercises that target leg strength, explosive power, and plyometric movements like jumps and hops.

Can push-ups help with vertical?

Push-ups can help with upper body strength, but they may not directly improve vertical jump height as they don’t target leg muscles.
So, include leg exercises with push-ups, like a superset of push-ups and box jumps.

How do you hit harder in volleyball?

To hit harder in volleyball, focus on improving arm swing technique, increasing upper body strength, and using proper footwork and timing.

What is the hardest position in volleyball?

The hardest position in volleyball can vary depending on the player’s strengths, but often it is the setter due to their complex role.

What are 2 drills for spiking a volleyball harder?

1. Approach and spike with a weighted ball to increase arm strength.
2. Practice hitting against a blocker to improve technique and accuracy.

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