How To Increase Grip On Basketball Shoes/ feature image

How To Increase Grip On Basketball Shoes (5 Methods) – 2023

Key Takeaways:

  • Grip Importance: Good shoe grip boosts performance and prevents injuries on the basketball court.
  • Enhancing Grip: Methods include grip sprays, sticky sole material, proper shoe break-in, insole replacement, and court surface consideration.
  • Maintenance Tips: Regularly clean shoes, use grip socks, and rough up smooth soles for better traction.
  • Court Factor: Outdoor courts might be more slippery than indoor ones, affecting shoe grip.

Having a good grip on your basketball shoes is essential for maximizing your performance on the court.

There are a few different ways to increase the grip on your basketball shoes, including using grip-enhancing sprays, applying sticky sole material, and breaking in the shoes properly.

 In this Guide on how to increase grip on basketball shoes, we will go over the various methods. So let’s get into it.

Before we get into the different Methods here are a few basic tips and tricks for you to use on a regular basis.

Tips & Tricks For maintenance of Basketball shoe grips.

Tips & Tricks
Clean your shoes regularly:
Dirt and debris can build up on the soles of your shoes and reduce the grip. Make sure to clean your shoes regularly to remove any build-up and restore traction.

Use grip-enhancing socks:
Another option is to use grip-enhancing socks, which have a sticky material on the bottom to help improve the grip of your shoes. These socks can be worn under your regular socks for added grip.

Use a rubber eraser:
A rubber eraser can be used to gently rub the soles of your shoes to remove any dirt or debris that may be reducing the grip.

Rough up the soles:
If the soles of your shoes are smooth and slippery, you can try roughing them up by using a rough surface, such as sandpaper, to create more texture on the soles. This can help to improve the grip of your shoes.

How to Increase grip on basketball shoes? 5 Methods.

Use grip-enhancing spray:

Grip-enhancing sprays are a quick and easy way to increase the grip on your basketball shoes.

Simply shake the can well and apply a thin, even layer to the soles of your shoes.

Allow the spray to dry completely before wearing your shoes.

How To Increase Grip On Basketball Shoes/ Use grip-enhancing spray

Apply sticky sole material:

Another option is to apply sticky sole material to the soles of your shoes.

This can be a sheet of sticky rubber or a roll of sticky tape.

Cut the material to fit the soles of your shoes and press it firmly in place.

Break in your shoes properly:

Another way to increase the grip on your basketball shoes is to break them in properly.

This means wearing them for short periods of time and gradually increasing the amount of time you spend on them.

This will help the shoes conform to the shape of your feet and improve their grip.

Method on how to break into your shoes properly

Replace the insoles: 

If your shoes are still slippery after trying the above methods, consider replacing the insoles with a pair that has more grip.

This can help to increase the overall grip of the shoe.

Consider the type of court you are playing on: 

Finally, keep in mind that the type of court you are playing on can also affect the grip of your shoes. 

Outdoor courts may be more slippery than indoor courts, so you may need to take additional steps to increase the grip of your shoes if you are playing outdoors.


Hope you liked the above post on how to increase grip on basketball shoes.

In conclusion, there are a few different ways to increase the grip on your basketball shoes.

These include using grip-enhancing sprays, applying sticky sole material, breaking in your shoes properly, replacing the insoles, and considering the type of court you are playing on. 

By using one or more of these methods, you can improve the grip on your basketball shoes and maximize your performance on the court.


  1. Does hairspray help grip shoes?

    It is true that hairspray helps you to have a good grip on the shoes but it is not because of the stickiness of the hairspray. 
    Hairspray contains alcohol that evaporates fast and leaves your hands dry but slippery.
    This helps you to grip your shoes easily and reduces the friction between your hands and the shoe.

  2. Do shoe grips work?

    Yes, shoe grips can work to improve the grip of your shoes. Shoe grips are designed to keep your feet from slipping inside your shoes. 
    Shoe grips are small pieces of sticky material that can be applied to the soles of your shoes to increase traction and prevent slipping.
    They are a quick and easy way to improve the grip of your shoes and can be effective for both indoor and outdoor use.

  3. Do shoe gel pads work?

    Shoe gel pads can work to improve the comfort and support of your shoes. They are made of soft, cushioning material that is placed inside the shoes to help absorb shock and reduce pressure on the feet. 
    Shoe gel pads may also help to improve the fit of your shoes and reduce foot fatigue. 

Thank you for reading this post till the end, I hope you found the answers to your questions. If not, then feel free to drop a comment in the comment box or Contact us. 

Have a great day!!!

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